Source code for cadl.stylenet

"""Style Net w/ tests for Video Style Net.
Video Style Net requires OpenCV 3.0.0+ w/ Contrib for Python to be installed.

Copyright 2017 Parag K. Mital.  See also

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import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
from cadl import vgg16
from cadl import gif
from scipy.misc import imresize

[docs]def make_4d(img): """Create a 4-dimensional N x H x W x C image. Parameters ---------- img : np.ndarray Given image as H x W x C or H x W. Returns ------- img : np.ndarray N x H x W x C image. Raises ------ ValueError Unexpected number of dimensions. """ if img.ndim == 2: img = np.expand_dims(img[np.newaxis], 3) elif img.ndim == 3: img = img[np.newaxis] elif img.ndim == 4: return img else: raise ValueError('Incorrect dimensions for image!') return img
[docs]def stylize(content_img, style_img, base_img=None, saveto=None, gif_step=5, n_iterations=100, style_weight=1.0, content_weight=1.0): """Stylization w/ the given content and style images. Follows the approach in Leon Gatys et al. Parameters ---------- content_img : np.ndarray Image to use for finding the content features. style_img : TYPE Image to use for finding the style features. base_img : None, optional Image to use for the base content. Can be noise or an existing image. If None, the content image will be used. saveto : str, optional Name of GIF image to write to, e.g. "stylization.gif" gif_step : int, optional Modulo of iterations to save the current stylization. n_iterations : int, optional Number of iterations to run for. style_weight : float, optional Weighting on the style features. content_weight : float, optional Weighting on the content features. Returns ------- stylization : np.ndarray Final iteration of the stylization. """ # Preprocess both content and style images content_img = vgg16.preprocess(content_img, dsize=(224, 224))[np.newaxis] style_img = vgg16.preprocess(style_img, dsize=(224, 224))[np.newaxis] if base_img is None: base_img = content_img else: base_img = make_4d(vgg16.preprocess(base_img, dsize=(224, 224))) # Get Content and Style features net = vgg16.get_vgg_model() g = tf.Graph() with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess: tf.import_graph_def(net['graph_def'], name='vgg') names = [ for op in g.get_operations()] x = g.get_tensor_by_name(names[0] + ':0') content_layer = 'vgg/conv3_2/conv3_2:0' content_features = g.get_tensor_by_name(content_layer).eval( feed_dict={ x: content_img, 'vgg/dropout_1/random_uniform:0': [[1.0] * 4096], 'vgg/dropout/random_uniform:0': [[1.0] * 4096] }) style_layers = [ 'vgg/conv1_1/conv1_1:0', 'vgg/conv2_1/conv2_1:0', 'vgg/conv3_1/conv3_1:0', 'vgg/conv4_1/conv4_1:0', 'vgg/conv5_1/conv5_1:0' ] style_activations = [] for style_i in style_layers: style_activation_i = g.get_tensor_by_name(style_i).eval( feed_dict={ x: style_img, 'vgg/dropout_1/random_uniform:0': [[1.0] * 4096], 'vgg/dropout/random_uniform:0': [[1.0] * 4096] }) style_activations.append(style_activation_i) style_features = [] for style_activation_i in style_activations: s_i = np.reshape(style_activation_i, [-1, style_activation_i.shape[-1]]) gram_matrix = np.matmul(s_i.T, s_i) / s_i.size style_features.append(gram_matrix.astype(np.float32)) # Optimize both g = tf.Graph() with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess: net_input = tf.Variable(base_img) tf.import_graph_def( net['graph_def'], name='vgg', input_map={'images:0': net_input}) content_loss = tf.nn.l2_loss( (g.get_tensor_by_name(content_layer) - content_features) / content_features.size) style_loss = np.float32(0.0) for style_layer_i, style_gram_i in zip(style_layers, style_features): layer_i = g.get_tensor_by_name(style_layer_i) layer_shape = layer_i.get_shape().as_list() layer_size = layer_shape[1] * layer_shape[2] * layer_shape[3] layer_flat = tf.reshape(layer_i, [-1, layer_shape[3]]) gram_matrix = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(layer_flat), layer_flat) / layer_size style_loss = tf.add(style_loss, tf.nn.l2_loss((gram_matrix - style_gram_i) / np.float32(style_gram_i.size))) loss = content_weight * content_loss + style_weight * style_loss optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.01).minimize(loss) init_op =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) imgs = [] for it_i in range(n_iterations): _, this_loss, synth = [optimizer, loss, net_input], feed_dict={ 'vgg/dropout_1/random_uniform:0': np.ones( g.get_tensor_by_name('vgg/dropout_1/random_uniform:0') .get_shape().as_list()), 'vgg/dropout/random_uniform:0': np.ones( g.get_tensor_by_name('vgg/dropout/random_uniform:0') .get_shape().as_list()) }) print( "iteration %d, loss: %f, range: (%f - %f)" % (it_i, this_loss, np.min(synth), np.max(synth)), end='\r') if it_i % gif_step == 0: imgs.append(np.clip(synth[0], 0, 1)) if saveto is not None: gif.build_gif(imgs, saveto=saveto) return np.clip(synth[0], 0, 1)
[docs]def warp_img(img, dx, dy): """Apply the motion vectors to the given image. Parameters ---------- img : np.ndarray Input image to apply motion to. dx : np.ndarray H x W matrix defining the magnitude of the X vector dy : np.ndarray H x W matrix defining the magnitude of the Y vector Returns ------- img : np.ndarray Image with pixels warped according to dx, dy. """ warped = img.copy() for row_i in range(img.shape[0]): for col_i in range(img.shape[1]): dx_i = int(np.round(dx[row_i, col_i])) dy_i = int(np.round(dy[row_i, col_i])) sample_dx = np.clip(dx_i + col_i, 0, img.shape[0] - 1) sample_dy = np.clip(dy_i + row_i, 0, img.shape[1] - 1) warped[sample_dy, sample_dx, :] = img[row_i, col_i, :] return warped
[docs]def test_video(style_img='arles.jpg', videodir='kurosawa'): has_cv2 = True try: import cv2 has_cv2 = True optflow = cv2.optflow.createOptFlow_DeepFlow() except ImportError: has_cv2 = False style_img = plt.imread(style_img) content_files = [ os.path.join(videodir, f) for f in os.listdir(videodir) if f.endswith('.png') ] content_img = plt.imread(content_files[0]) style_img = imresize(style_img, (448, 448)).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 content_img = imresize(content_img, (448, 448)).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 if has_cv2: prev_lum = cv2.cvtColor(content_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)[:, :, 2] else: prev_lum = (content_img[..., 0] * 0.3 + content_img[..., 1] * 0.59 + content_img[..., 2] * 0.11) imgs = [] stylized = stylize( content_img, style_img, content_weight=5.0, style_weight=0.5, n_iterations=50) plt.imsave(fname=content_files[0] + 'stylized.png', arr=stylized) imgs.append(stylized) for f in content_files[1:]: content_img = plt.imread(f) content_img = imresize(content_img, (448, 448)).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 if has_cv2: lum = cv2.cvtColor(content_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)[:, :, 2] flow = optflow.calc(prev_lum, lum, None) warped = warp_img(stylized, flow[..., 0], flow[..., 1]) stylized = stylize( content_img, style_img, content_weight=5.0, style_weight=0.5, base_img=warped, n_iterations=50) else: lum = (content_img[..., 0] * 0.3 + content_img[..., 1] * 0.59 + content_img[..., 2] * 0.11) stylized = stylize( content_img, style_img, content_weight=5.0, style_weight=0.5, base_img=None, n_iterations=50) imgs.append(stylized) plt.imsave(fname=f + 'stylized.png', arr=stylized) prev_lum = lum return imgs
[docs]def test(): """Test for artistic stylization. """ from six.moves import urllib f = ('' + 'Claude_Monet%2C_Impression%2C_soleil_levant.jpg/617px-Claude_Monet' + '%2C_Impression%2C_soleil_levant.jpg?download') filepath, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(f, f.split('/')[-1], None) style = plt.imread(filepath).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 f = ('' + 'El_jard%C3%ADn_de_las_Delicias%2C_de_El_Bosco.jpg/640px-El_jard' + '%C3%ADn_de_las_Delicias%2C_de_El_Bosco.jpg') filepath, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(f, f.split('/')[-1], None) content = plt.imread(filepath).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 stylize(content, style, n_iterations=20)
if __name__ == '__main__': test_video()