Source code for cadl.deepdream

"""Deep Dream using the Inception v5 network.
Copyright 2017 Parag K. Mital.  See also

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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import os
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
from skimage.transform import resize
from scipy.misc import imsave
from cadl import inception, vgg16, i2v
from cadl import gif

[docs]def get_labels(model='inception'): """Return labels corresponding to the `neuron_i` parameter of deep dream. Parameters ---------- model : str, optional Which model to load. Must be one of: ['inception'], 'i2v_tag', 'i2v', 'vgg16', or 'vgg_face'. Raises ------ ValueError Unknown model. Must be one of: ['inception'], 'i2v_tag', 'i2v', 'vgg16', or 'vgg_face'. Returns ------- TYPE Description """ if model == 'inception': net = inception.get_inception_model() return net['labels'] elif model == 'i2v_tag': net = i2v.get_i2v_tag_model() return net['labels'] elif model == 'vgg16': net = vgg16.get_vgg_model() return net['labels'] elif model == 'vgg_face': net = vgg16.get_vgg_face_model() return net['labels'] else: raise ValueError("Unknown model or this model does not have labels!")
[docs]def get_layer_names(model='inception'): """Retun every layer's index and name in the given model. Parameters ---------- model : str, optional Which model to load. Must be one of: ['inception'], 'i2v_tag', 'i2v', 'vgg16', or 'vgg_face'. Returns ------- names : list of tuples The index and layer's name for every layer in the given model. """ g = tf.Graph() with tf.Session(graph=g): if model == 'inception': net = inception.get_inception_model() elif model == 'vgg_face': net = vgg16.get_vgg_face_model() elif model == 'vgg16': net = vgg16.get_vgg_model() elif model == 'i2v': net = i2v.get_i2v_model() elif model == 'i2v-tag': net = i2v.get_i2v_tag_model() tf.import_graph_def(net['graph_def'], name='net') names = [(i, for i, op in enumerate(g.get_operations())] return names
def _setup(input_img, model, downsize): """Internal use only. Load the given model's graph and preprocess an image. Parameters ---------- input_img : np.ndarray Image to process with the model's normalizaiton process. model : str Which model to load. Must be one of: ['inception'], 'i2v_tag', 'i2v', 'vgg16', or 'vgg_face'. downsize : bool Optionally crop/resize the input image to the standard shape. Only applies to inception network which is all convolutional. Returns ------- net, img, preprocess, deprocess : dict, np.ndarray, function, function net : The networks graph_def and labels img : The preprocessed input image preprocess: Function for preprocessing an image deprocess: Function for deprocessing an image Raises ------ ValueError If model is unknown. """ if model == 'inception': net = inception.get_inception_model() img = inception.preprocess( input_img, resize=downsize, crop=downsize)[np.newaxis] deprocess, preprocess = inception.deprocess, inception.preprocess elif model == 'vgg_face': net = vgg16.get_vgg_face_model() img = vgg16.preprocess(input_img)[np.newaxis] deprocess, preprocess = vgg16.deprocess, vgg16.preprocess elif model == 'vgg16': net = vgg16.get_vgg_model() img = vgg16.preprocess(input_img)[np.newaxis] deprocess, preprocess = vgg16.deprocess, vgg16.preprocess elif model == 'i2v': net = i2v.get_i2v_model() img = i2v.preprocess(input_img)[np.newaxis] deprocess, preprocess = i2v.deprocess, i2v.preprocess elif model == 'i2v_tag': net = i2v.get_i2v_tag_model() img = i2v.preprocess(input_img)[np.newaxis] deprocess, preprocess = i2v.deprocess, i2v.preprocess else: raise ValueError("Unknown model name! Supported: " + "['inception', 'vgg_face', 'vgg16', 'i2v', 'i2v_tag']") return net, img, preprocess, deprocess def _apply(img, gradient, it_i, decay=0.998, sigma=1.5, blur_step=10, step=1.0, crop=0, crop_step=1, pth=0): """Interal use only. Apply the gradient to an image with the given params. Parameters ---------- img : np.ndarray Tensor to apply gradient ascent to. gradient : np.ndarray Gradient to ascend to. it_i : int Current iteration (used for step modulos) decay : float, optional Amount to decay. sigma : float, optional Sigma for Gaussian Kernel. blur_step : int, optional How often to blur. step : float, optional Step for gradient ascent. crop : int, optional Amount to crop from each border. crop_step : int, optional How often to crop. pth : int, optional Percentile to mask out. No Longer Returned ------------------ img : np.ndarray Ascended image. """ gradient /= (np.std(gradient) + 1e-10) img += gradient * step img *= decay if pth: mask = (np.abs(img) < np.percentile(np.abs(img), pth)) img = img - img * mask if blur_step and it_i % blur_step == 0: for ch_i in range(3): img[..., ch_i] = gaussian_filter(img[..., ch_i], sigma) if crop and it_i % crop_step == 0: height, width, *ch = img[0].shape # Crop a 1 pixel border from height and width img = img[:, crop:-crop, crop:-crop, :] # Resize img = resize( img[0], (height, width), order=3, clip=False, preserve_range=True)[np.newaxis].astype(np.float32)
[docs]def deep_dream(input_img, downsize=False, model='inception', layer_i=-1, neuron_i=-1, n_iterations=100, save_gif=None, save_images='imgs', device='/cpu:0', **kwargs): """Deep Dream with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- input_img : np.ndarray Image to apply deep dream to. Should be 3-dimenionsal H x W x C RGB uint8 or float32. downsize : bool, optional Whether or not to downsize the image. Only applies to model=='inception'. model : str, optional Which model to load. Must be one of: ['inception'], 'i2v_tag', 'i2v', 'vgg16', or 'vgg_face'. layer_i : int, optional Which layer to use for finding the gradient. E.g. the softmax layer for inception is -1, for vgg networks it is -2. Use the function "get_layer_names" to find the layer number that you need. neuron_i : int, optional Which neuron to use. -1 for the entire layer. n_iterations : int, optional Number of iterations to dream. save_gif : bool, optional Save a GIF. save_images : str, optional Folder to save images to. device : str, optional Which device to use, e.g. ['/cpu:0'] or '/gpu:0'. **kwargs : dict See "_apply" for additional parameters. Returns ------- imgs : list of np.array Images of every iteration """ net, img, preprocess, deprocess = _setup(input_img, model, downsize) batch, height, width, *ch = img.shape g = tf.Graph() with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess, g.device(device): tf.import_graph_def(net['graph_def'], name='net') names = [ for op in g.get_operations()] input_name = names[0] + ':0' x = g.get_tensor_by_name(input_name) layer = g.get_tensor_by_name(names[layer_i] + ':0') layer_shape =, feed_dict={x: img}) layer_vec = np.ones(layer_shape) / layer_shape[-1] layer_vec[..., neuron_i] = 1.0 - (1.0 / layer_shape[-1]) ascent = tf.gradients(layer, x) imgs = [] for it_i in range(n_iterations): print(it_i, np.min(img), np.max(img)) if neuron_i == -1: this_res =, feed_dict={x: img})[0] else: this_res = ascent, feed_dict={x: img, layer: layer_vec})[0] _apply(img, this_res, it_i, **kwargs) imgs.append(deprocess(img[0])) if save_images is not None: if not os.path.exists(save_images): os.mkdir(save_images) imsave( os.path.join(save_images, 'frame{}.png'.format(it_i)), imgs[-1]) if save_gif is not None: gif.build_gif(imgs, saveto=save_gif) return imgs
[docs]def guided_dream(input_img, guide_img=None, downsize=False, layers=[162, 183, 184, 247], label_i=962, layer_i=-1, feature_loss_weight=1.0, tv_loss_weight=1.0, l2_loss_weight=1.0, softmax_loss_weight=1.0, model='inception', neuron_i=920, n_iterations=100, save_gif=None, save_images='imgs', device='/cpu:0', **kwargs): """Deep Dream v2. Use an optional guide image and other techniques. Parameters ---------- input_img : np.ndarray Image to apply deep dream to. Should be 3-dimenionsal H x W x C RGB uint8 or float32. guide_img : np.ndarray, optional Optional image to find features at different layers for. Must pass in a list of layers that you want to find features for. Then the guided dream will try to match this images features at those layers. downsize : bool, optional Whether or not to downsize the image. Only applies to model=='inception'. layers : list, optional A list of layers to find features for in the "guide_img". label_i : int, optional Which label to use for the softmax layer. Use the "get_labels" function to find the index corresponding the object of interest. If None, not used. layer_i : int, optional Which layer to use for finding the gradient. E.g. the softmax layer for inception is -1, for vgg networks it is -2. Use the function "get_layer_names" to find the layer number that you need. feature_loss_weight : float, optional Weighting for the feature loss from the guide_img. tv_loss_weight : float, optional Total variational loss weighting. Enforces smoothness. l2_loss_weight : float, optional L2 loss weighting. Enforces smaller values and reduces saturation. softmax_loss_weight : float, optional Softmax loss weighting. Must set label_i. model : str, optional Which model to load. Must be one of: ['inception'], 'i2v_tag', 'i2v', 'vgg16', or 'vgg_face'. neuron_i : int, optional Which neuron to use. -1 for the entire layer. n_iterations : int, optional Number of iterations to dream. save_gif : bool, optional Save a GIF. save_images : str, optional Folder to save images to. device : str, optional Which device to use, e.g. ['/cpu:0'] or '/gpu:0'. **kwargs : dict See "_apply" for additional parameters. Returns ------- imgs : list of np.ndarray Images of the dream. """ net, img, preprocess, deprocess = _setup(input_img, model, downsize) print(img.shape, input_img.shape) print(img.min(), img.max()) if guide_img is not None: guide_img = preprocess(guide_img.copy(), model)[np.newaxis] assert (guide_img.shape == img.shape) batch, height, width, *ch = img.shape g = tf.Graph() with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess, g.device(device): tf.import_graph_def(net['graph_def'], name='net') names = [ for op in g.get_operations()] input_name = names[0] + ':0' x = g.get_tensor_by_name(input_name) features = [names[layer_i] + ':0' for layer_i in layers] feature_loss = tf.Variable(0.0) for feature_i in features: layer = g.get_tensor_by_name(feature_i) if guide_img is None: feature_loss += tf.reduce_mean(layer) else: # Reshape it to 2D vector layer = tf.reshape(layer, [-1, 1]) # Do the same for our guide image guide_layer =, feed_dict={x: guide_img}) guide_layer = guide_layer.reshape(-1, 1) # Now calculate their dot product correlation = tf.matmul(guide_layer.T, layer) feature_loss += feature_loss_weight * tf.reduce_mean( correlation) softmax_loss = tf.Variable(0.0) if label_i is not None: layer = g.get_tensor_by_name(names[layer_i] + ':0') layer_shape =, feed_dict={x: img}) layer_vec = np.ones(layer_shape) / layer_shape[-1] layer_vec[..., neuron_i] = 1.0 - 1.0 / layer_shape[1] softmax_loss += softmax_loss_weight * tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.l2_loss(layer - layer_vec)) dx = tf.square(x[:, :height - 1, :width - 1, :] - x[:, :height - 1, 1:, :]) dy = tf.square(x[:, :height - 1, :width - 1, :] - x[:, 1:, :width - 1, :]) tv_loss = tv_loss_weight * tf.reduce_mean(tf.pow(dx + dy, 1.2)) l2_loss = l2_loss_weight * tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.l2_loss(x)) ascent = tf.gradients(feature_loss + softmax_loss + tv_loss + l2_loss, x)[0] init_op =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) imgs = [] for it_i in range(n_iterations): this_res, this_feature_loss, this_softmax_loss, this_tv_loss, this_l2_loss = [ascent, feature_loss, softmax_loss, tv_loss, l2_loss], feed_dict={x: img}) print('feature:', this_feature_loss, 'softmax:', this_softmax_loss, 'tv', this_tv_loss, 'l2', this_l2_loss) _apply(img, -this_res, it_i, **kwargs) imgs.append(deprocess(img[0])) if save_images is not None: imsave( os.path.join(save_images, 'frame{}.png'.format(it_i)), imgs[-1]) if save_gif is not None: gif.build_gif(imgs, saveto=save_gif) return imgs