Source code for cadl.dataset_utils

"""Utils for creating datasets.
Copyright 2017 Parag K. Mital.  See also

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import os
import pickle
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from . import dft
from .utils import download_and_extract_zip, download_and_extract_tar

[docs]def create_input_pipeline(files, batch_size, n_epochs, shape, crop_shape=None, crop_factor=1.0, n_threads=2): """Creates a pipefile from a list of image files. Includes batch generator/central crop/resizing options. The resulting generator will dequeue the images batch_size at a time until it throws tf.errors.OutOfRangeError when there are no more images left in the queue. Parameters ---------- files : list List of paths to image files. batch_size : int Number of image files to load at a time. n_epochs : int Number of epochs to run before raising tf.errors.OutOfRangeError shape : list [height, width, channels] crop_shape : list [height, width] to crop image to. crop_factor : float Percentage of image to take starting from center. n_threads : int, optional Number of threads to use for batch shuffling Returns ------- TYPE Description """ # We first create a "producer" queue. It creates a production line which # will queue up the file names and allow another queue to deque the file # names all using a tf queue runner. # Put simply, this is the entry point of the computational graph. # It will generate the list of file names. # We also specify it's capacity beforehand. producer = tf.train.string_input_producer( files, capacity=len(files), num_epochs=n_epochs) # We need something which can open the files and read its contents. reader = tf.WholeFileReader() # We pass the filenames to this object which can read the file's contents. # This will create another queue running which dequeues the previous queue. keys, vals = # And then have to decode its contents as we know it is a jpeg image imgs = tf.image.decode_jpeg( vals, channels=3 if len(shape) > 2 and shape[2] == 3 else 0) # We have to explicitly define the shape of the tensor. # This is because the decode_jpeg operation is still a node in the graph # and doesn't yet know the shape of the image. Future operations however # need explicit knowledge of the image's shape in order to be created. imgs.set_shape(shape) # Next we'll centrally crop the image to the size of 100x100. # This operation required explicit knowledge of the image's shape. if shape[0] > shape[1]: rsz_shape = [ int(shape[0] / shape[1] * crop_shape[0] / crop_factor), int( crop_shape[1] / crop_factor) ] else: rsz_shape = [ int(crop_shape[0] / crop_factor), int(shape[1] / shape[0] * crop_shape[1] / crop_factor) ] rszs = tf.image.resize_images(imgs, rsz_shape) crops = (tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(rszs, crop_shape[0], crop_shape[1]) if crop_shape is not None else imgs) # Now we'll create a batch generator that will also shuffle our examples. # We tell it how many it should have in its buffer when it randomly # permutes the order. min_after_dequeue = len(files) // 100 # The capacity should be larger than min_after_dequeue, and determines how # many examples are prefetched. TF docs recommend setting this value to: # min_after_dequeue + (num_threads + a small safety margin) * batch_size capacity = min_after_dequeue + (n_threads + 1) * batch_size # Randomize the order and output batches of batch_size. batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch( [crops], enqueue_many=False, batch_size=batch_size, capacity=capacity, min_after_dequeue=min_after_dequeue, num_threads=n_threads) # alternatively, we could use shuffle_batch_join to use multiple reader # instances, or set shuffle_batch's n_threads to higher than 1. return batch
[docs]def gtzan_music_speech_download(dst='gtzan_music_speech'): """Download the GTZAN music and speech dataset. Parameters ---------- dst : str, optional Location to put the GTZAN music and speech datset. """ path = '' download_and_extract_tar(path, dst)
[docs]def gtzan_music_speech_load(dst='gtzan_music_speech'): """Load the GTZAN Music and Speech dataset. Downloads the dataset if it does not exist into the dst directory. Parameters ---------- dst : str, optional Location of GTZAN Music and Speech dataset. Returns ------- Xs, ys : np.ndarray, np.ndarray Array of data, Array of labels """ from import wavfile if not os.path.exists(dst): gtzan_music_speech_download(dst) music_dir = os.path.join(os.path.join(dst, 'music_speech'), 'music_wav') music = [ os.path.join(music_dir, file_i) for file_i in os.listdir(music_dir) if file_i.endswith('.wav') ] speech_dir = os.path.join(os.path.join(dst, 'music_speech'), 'speech_wav') speech = [ os.path.join(speech_dir, file_i) for file_i in os.listdir(speech_dir) if file_i.endswith('.wav') ] Xs = [] ys = [] for i in music: sr, s = s = s / 16384.0 - 1.0 re, im = dft.dft_np(s) mag, phs = dft.ztoc(re, im) Xs.append((mag, phs)) ys.append(0) for i in speech: sr, s = s = s / 16384.0 - 1.0 re, im = dft.dft_np(s) mag, phs = dft.ztoc(re, im) Xs.append((mag, phs)) ys.append(1) Xs = np.array(Xs) Xs = np.transpose(Xs, [0, 2, 3, 1]) ys = np.array(ys) return Xs, ys
[docs]def cifar10_download(dst='cifar10'): """Download the CIFAR10 dataset. Parameters ---------- dst : str, optional Directory to download into. """ path = '' download_and_extract_tar(path, dst)
[docs]def tiny_imagenet_load(dst='tiny_imagenet'): """Loads the paths to every file in the Tiny Imagenet Dataset. Downloads the dataset if it does not exist into the dst directory. Parameters ---------- dst : str, optional Location of Tiny ImageNet dataset. Returns ------- all_files : list List of paths to every file in the Tiny ImageNet Dataset """ if not os.path.exists(dst): tiny_imagenet_download(dst) all_files = [] all_labels = [] words = {} with open( os.path.join(os.path.join(dst, 'tiny-imagenet-200'), 'words.txt'), 'r') as fp: for line in fp: s = line.split('\t', maxsplit=1) words.update({s[0]: s[1].strip()}) for ds_type in ['train', 'val', 'test']: path = os.path.join(dst, 'tiny-imagenet-200') path = os.path.join(path, ds_type) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for f in files: if f.endswith('JPEG'): if ds_type == 'train': try: label = words[root.split('/')[-2]] except: print(root, f) raise else: label = '' all_files.append(os.path.join(root, f)) all_labels.append(label) return all_files, all_labels
[docs]def tiny_imagenet_download(dst='tiny_imagenet'): """Download the Tiny ImageNet dataset. Parameters ---------- dst : str, optional Directory to download into. """ path = '' download_and_extract_zip(path, dst)
[docs]def cifar10_load(dst='cifar10'): """Load the CIFAR10 dataset. Downloads the dataset if it does not exist into the dst directory. Parameters ---------- dst : str, optional Location of CIFAR10 dataset. Returns ------- Xs, ys : np.ndarray, np.ndarray Array of data, Array of labels """ if not os.path.exists(dst): cifar10_download(dst) Xs = None ys = None for f in range(1, 6): cf = pickle.load( open('%s/cifar-10-batches-py/data_batch_%d' % (dst, f), 'rb'), encoding='LATIN') if Xs is not None: Xs = np.r_[Xs, cf['data']] ys = np.r_[ys, np.array(cf['labels'])] else: Xs = cf['data'] ys = cf['labels'] Xs = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(Xs.reshape(-1, 3, 32, 32), 1, 3), 1, 2) return Xs, ys
[docs]def dense_to_one_hot(labels, n_classes=2): """Convert class labels from scalars to one-hot vectors. Parameters ---------- labels : array Input labels to convert to one-hot representation. n_classes : int, optional Number of possible one-hot. Returns ------- one_hot : array One hot representation of input. """ return np.eye(n_classes).astype(np.float32)[labels]
[docs]class DatasetSplit(object): """Utility class for batching data and handling multiple splits. Attributes ---------- current_batch_idx : int Description images : np.ndarray Xs of the dataset. Not necessarily images. labels : np.ndarray ys of the dataset. n_classes : int Number of possible labels num_examples : int Number of total observations """ def __init__(self, images, labels): """Initialize a DatasetSplit object. Parameters ---------- images : np.ndarray Xs/inputs labels : np.ndarray ys/outputs """ self.images = np.array(images).astype(np.float32) if labels is not None: self.labels = np.array(labels).astype(np.int32) self.n_classes = len(np.unique(labels)) else: self.labels = None self.num_examples = len(self.images)
[docs] def next_batch(self, batch_size=100): """Batch generator with randomization. Parameters ---------- batch_size : int, optional Size of each minibatch. Yields ------ Xs, ys : np.ndarray, np.ndarray Next batch of inputs and labels (if no labels, then None). """ # Shuffle each epoch current_permutation = np.random.permutation(range(len(self.images))) epoch_images = self.images[current_permutation, ...] if self.labels is not None: epoch_labels = self.labels[current_permutation, ...] # Then iterate over the epoch self.current_batch_idx = 0 while self.current_batch_idx < len(self.images): end_idx = min(self.current_batch_idx + batch_size, len(self.images)) this_batch = { 'images': epoch_images[self.current_batch_idx:end_idx], 'labels': epoch_labels[self.current_batch_idx:end_idx] if self.labels is not None else None } self.current_batch_idx += batch_size yield this_batch['images'], this_batch['labels']
[docs]class Dataset(object): """Create a dataset from data and their labels. Allows easy use of train/valid/test splits; Batch generator. Attributes ---------- all_idxs : list All indexes across all splits. all_inputs : list All inputs across all splits. all_labels : list All labels across all splits. n_classes : int Number of labels. split : list Percentage split of train, valid, test sets. test_idxs : list Indexes of the test split. train_idxs : list Indexes of the train split. valid_idxs : list Indexes of the valid split. """ def __init__(self, Xs, ys=None, split=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], one_hot=False, n_classes=1): """Initialize a Dataset object. Parameters ---------- Xs : np.ndarray Images/inputs to a network ys : np.ndarray Labels/outputs to a network split : list, optional Percentage of train, valid, and test sets. one_hot : bool, optional Whether or not to use one-hot encoding of labels (ys). n_classes : int, optional Number of classes represented in ys (used for one hot embedding). """ self.all_idxs = [] self.all_labels = [] self.all_inputs = [] self.train_idxs = [] self.valid_idxs = [] self.test_idxs = [] self.n_classes = n_classes self.split = split # Now mix all the labels that are currently stored as blocks self.all_inputs = Xs n_idxs = len(self.all_inputs) idxs = range(n_idxs) rand_idxs = np.random.permutation(idxs) self.all_inputs = self.all_inputs[rand_idxs, ...] if ys is not None: self.all_labels = ys if not one_hot else dense_to_one_hot(ys, n_classes=n_classes) self.all_labels = self.all_labels[rand_idxs, ...] else: self.all_labels = None # Get splits self.train_idxs = idxs[:round(split[0] * n_idxs)] self.valid_idxs = idxs[len(self.train_idxs): len(self.train_idxs) + round(split[1] * n_idxs)] self.test_idxs = idxs[(len(self.valid_idxs) + len(self.train_idxs)): (len(self.valid_idxs) + len(self.train_idxs) ) + round(split[2] * n_idxs)] @property def X(self): """Inputs/Xs/Images. Returns ------- all_inputs : np.ndarray Original Inputs/Xs. """ return self.all_inputs @property def Y(self): """Outputs/ys/Labels. Returns ------- all_labels : np.ndarray Original Outputs/ys. """ return self.all_labels @property def train(self): """Train split. Returns ------- split : DatasetSplit Split of the train dataset. """ if len(self.train_idxs): inputs = self.all_inputs[self.train_idxs, ...] if self.all_labels is not None: labels = self.all_labels[self.train_idxs, ...] else: labels = None else: inputs, labels = [], [] return DatasetSplit(inputs, labels) @property def valid(self): """Validation split. Returns ------- split : DatasetSplit Split of the validation dataset. """ if len(self.valid_idxs): inputs = self.all_inputs[self.valid_idxs, ...] if self.all_labels is not None: labels = self.all_labels[self.valid_idxs, ...] else: labels = None else: inputs, labels = [], [] return DatasetSplit(inputs, labels) @property def test(self): """Test split. Returns ------- split : DatasetSplit Split of the test dataset. """ if len(self.test_idxs): inputs = self.all_inputs[self.test_idxs, ...] if self.all_labels is not None: labels = self.all_labels[self.test_idxs, ...] else: labels = None else: inputs, labels = [], [] return DatasetSplit(inputs, labels)
[docs] def mean(self): """Mean of the inputs/Xs. Returns ------- mean : np.ndarray Calculates mean across 0th (batch) dimension. """ return np.mean(self.all_inputs, axis=0)
[docs] def std(self): """Standard deviation of the inputs/Xs. Returns ------- std : np.ndarray Calculates std across 0th (batch) dimension. """ return np.std(self.all_inputs, axis=0)